Tuesday, September 29, 2009

10 Ways To Protect Your Sensitive Skin

by Jim DeSantis

If you are fair-haired, you likely are fair-skinned and this usually means you have sensitive skin. Sensitive skin brings with it a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it is attractive. On the other hand, it can cause no end of trouble for you. Here are 10 ways to keep your sensitive skin healthy and beautiful.

An effective sensitive skin care routine is really simple when we follow a few fundamental steps. Most important is to understand the definition of sensitive skin so you can understand if this condition applies to you. Then, we can cover the 10 best ways to protect yourself while taking advantage of the beauty this skin type offers.

The Definition of Sensitive Skin

This skin type makes you vulnerable to all kinds of environmental conditions. Your skin can become irritated when you come into contact with the world around you. This irritation can even be caused by skin care products themselves which is why the cure is sometimes worse than the problem itself. 

Many products contain compounds that may be good for people with average skin tone but a definite hazard to those with fair skin. That's why it's so important to take the time to read product labeling to determine if your fair skin will be helped or harmed. Look for statements such as "for sensitive skin" or "not for sensitive skin" or similar statements that tell you what to expect if you use the product. 

You may know through your own experience that, in general, most skin types do not respond well to products that contain chemical based formulations. Look for products that contain natural ingredients and that are designed for sensitive skin. Chemically based compounds in products do help some people but, for the person with sensitive skin, the threshold for damage is quite a bit lower than the average person. The damage comes much quicker and more severe for fair-skinned users of these products which is why it's so important to choose only products that are specifically formulated for sensitive skin.

Finally, people with sensitive skin are quite susceptible to acne. Good skin hygiene means keeping your skin pores clean and not clogged with oils or lotions you think are protecting your sensitive skin. Clogged pores are fertile ground for acne-causing bacteria to grow.

Now that you have a definition, here are the 10 things you should do to protect your sensitive skin:

1. Use only sensitive skin care products that have natural ingredients, not chemicals or oils in them that could clog pores and contribute to acne or skin irritation. 

2. Do not use skin care products that any kind of chemical-based additives such as perfumes or coloring.

3. Skin toners are not a good thing either. These contain compounds that will actually dry your skin and cause irritation.

4. Be careful of what you touch. No matter what you touch, be it laundry products, things at work, things at home, do not touch your face without first washing your hands with a sensitive skin soap product. Chemicals, grime, and bacteria are enemies to sensitive skin.

5. Another important tip for 'sensitive skin care' is to avoid excessive exposure to sun. Apply sun screen lotion before getting out in the sun.

6. It goes without saying that the Sun is not a good thing for folks with fair skin but I remind you anyway. In spite of negative news stories about the effectiveness of sun screen, use it anyway. At the very least, wear a hat and keep your arms and legs covered when venturing out in bright sunlight.

7. Hypoallergenic moisturizers that are labeled for sensitive skin are your friend. These usually contain only natural ingredients and no harmful additives.

8. Stay away from soap based or alcohol based skin cleansing products. Again, the word is: natural! You want skin cleansers with non- toxic ingredients and that are labeled for sensitive skin application. You will need to cleanse your face daily to clean off the grime and bacteria picked up out in the world.

9. Using a good exfoliation product once a week is recommended. It will help clean your face of dead skin cells so the body can replace them with new cells to keep your fair skin radiant. Be very gentle, though. Sensitive skin does not do well with vigorous scrubbing.

10. Remove makeup as soon as possible. As soon as you get home from work, use a hypoallergenic makeup-remover and get that stuff off your face. The longer you allow makeup to sit there, the greater the chance of clogged pores giving acne the fertile environment it needs.

About the Author: Don't allow acne to ruin your life! Visit the Simple Acne Cures Blog for more helpful acne home remedy tips and tricks. For reviews of the top three natural acne treatments, also visit Natural Acne Cures.

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